Pet Semetary – Stephen King

Title: Pet Semetary

Author: Stephen King

Genre: Horror

Plot: Louis Creed has just taken a job with a local university in Ludlow, Maine. He and his family live on a busy road with lots of semi-trucks. On a path in the backyard, there’s a pet cemetery. The neighbor Jed takes them there. Rachel, Louis’ wife is terrified of the cemetery. On Louis’ first day, a student dies. Then Louis sees the student in what feels almost like a dream. The student takes him to the pet cemetery and warms him of what can happen there. Louis is cautious at first. Then the family cat dies while Rachel and the kids were out of town. Jed shows a different place to bury the cat. The next day, the cat returns home. But the cat isn’t acting like its normal self. It stinks of death. It brings home dead birds. Then something tragic happens. What will Louis do? Will he fix the tragedy? Or let it be? Can anyone stop what’s been done? Or will the tragedy continue?

Rating: 4.0 – a different take on local legends and death and resurrection

Opinion: This was an interesting book. I liked that it combined local legends and lore with horror. It made it feel more real and spooky. I liked that the characters had good reasons and motivations for what they did and how they acted. Though it was a little distracting to the main story. The one thing I didn’t like was that the main character kept doing stupid stuff. It was the classic horror story stupid decisions that put others in danger. It was the first time in a while that I’ve yelled at a character out loud while I’ve been reading. It made for an interesting book, but I also just had to face palm a lot and think ‘did you not learn the first time?’ But the plot was interesting so I kept reading. I kept thinking some of the characters were behind it, but then it was something else. It made it more chilling. Overall, this is another classic horror book. It made me realize why Stephen King is such a good writer. I recommend this book who loves a good thriller.

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