Just Mercy – Bryan Stevenson

Title: Just Mercy

Author: Bryan Stevenson

Genre: Memoir

Plot: Bryan Stevenson is a new lawyer in Alabama. He has a passion for representing inmates on death row. Bryan helps the Equal Justice Initiative. The first case that meant a lot to him was representing Walter MacMillan, a truly innocent man on death row. Walter’s case was a mess with corruption, incorrect procedures, and prejudice. Bryan tries his best to untangle Walter’s case and prove his innocence. All the while, Bryan shares insides on what it’s really like representing people on death row and the prejudices inmates face and what it looks like for the incarcerated. Can Bryan prove Walter’s innocence to the court? Can they work past the prejudices of the courts?

Rating: 3.5 – a heartbreaking court case

Opinion: This was an interesting book. I enjoyed learning about court cases throughout history. Though, the book was dense with lawyer speak and terminology. I also wish it would’ve focused more on Walter’s story and a little less on the background of other court cases and what lead to other people getting put on death row. Though the author did a great job describing the realities that those people face. Those additional stories distracted from the main story. Overall, I enjoyed this book. This is a good book for those who enjoy memoirs and don’t mind lots of technical terms.

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