The Postscript Murders – Elly Griffiths

Title: The Postscript Murders

Author: Elly Griffiths

Genre: Mystery

Plot: Natalka is a senior caretaker in a seaside town in England. One evening, she goes to check on one of her patients, Peggy Smith, is dead. Something about her death doesn’t seem right to Natalka. She talks with Edwin and Benedict, Peggy’s two friends, and discuss the options. They find Detective Harbjnder Kaur, show her a note from Peggy Smitj, and let her know their suspicions and that someone threatened them with a gun. Detective Kaur decides to take the case. The more they learn about Peggy Smith, the more they learn how well connected she was to the mystery writers in the area and what they’ll do to keep a secret. But who’s behind Peggy’s death? What secrets do they keep?

Rating: 3.5 – a different kind of mystery

Opinion: This was an interesting book. The mystery was good, but there wasn’t a lot of action to support it. The book held a steady pace that kept it all interesting. I liked that it was more ordinary people that took charge of the mystery. While they may not have made the smartest decisions, they three non-detectives did a good job with helping the case. The author did a good job with the character switches in the book. Though the loops thrown at you towards the end of the book made it harder to follow. I would’ve liked to see them spread out a little bit more. The surprises all at once almost took the fun out of the book for me. Overall, I enjoyed the book. I recommend this book for anyone who likes a simpler mystery,

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