Cujo – Stephen King

Title: Cujo

Author: Stephen King

Genre: Horror

Plot: In the little town of Castle Rock, Maine, nothing really happens. There was that one thing, but that was a while ago. One summer, the Camber’s dog Cujo gets bit by a bat. The Cambers don’t think much of it at first. Charity Cambers takes Brett, her son, to visit her sister’s family. Joe, Charity’s husband, decides to take a secret trip with a friend. Across town, the Tadmores need to get their car fixed. But Vic, husband of Donna and father of Tad, goes out of town for a business conference. Donna reluctantly takes their car to Joe Camber, a local mechanic. Tad insists on coming along. But he’s missing. And Cujo is keeping guard. Something is wrong with Cujo. He’s rabid and has taken Donna and Tad captive inside the car. Can Donna and Tad escape? Will someone save them? Or will Cujo get them? And can Cujo be stopped?

Rating: 4.0 – a good slow build up horror

Opinion: This was better than I expected. I see why this book is a classic. I was expecting a more edge of your seat thriller through the whole book. It more of a slow build thriller. I found it interesting that there were character switches that paused the thriller. Though the storylines were a little confusing at first, but it sorted itself out. The one thing I didn’t love about the book was the lack of chapters. There were double spaces when there was a character perspective change, there were no set chapters. It made it hard to find a good pausing points in the book. There were a couple scenes towards the end that grossed me out. It was a very well written book. But overall, I really enjoyed this book. It kept me wanting to read more. I recommend it for anyone who wants to try a Stephen King horror book.

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