The Midnight Library – Matt Haig

Title: The Midnight Library

Author: Matt Haig

Genre: Sci-Fi

Plot: Nora Seed isn’t happy with her life. Life didn’t turn out how she thought. She’s not sure she wants to continue on. Then Nora’s transported to the Midnight Library. The librarian is Mrs. Elm, her middle school librarian. She tells Nora that all the books in the Midnight Library are variations of her current life, if she’d made other choices. There are obvious choices but none of them are what Nora truly wants. Will Nora ever find the life she truly wants? Or will she stay in the Midnight Library forever?

Rating: 4.5 – a good book about living life

Opinion: This was a great book. I really need to read this book at this point in my life. I found it really relatable because it’s easy to not be happy with where you’re at in life and wish that you’d made different choices along the way. It makes it easy to relate to the characters, too. I liked the choice Nora made at the end of the book. It was different than what I was expecting, but in the end it was the right choice. It made sense in the end. Parts of the book felt similar to the movie Soul. Overall, I loved this book. I really needed this book right now. It’s one of the few books that spoke to me in this moment of my life. I highly recommend this book for anyone who needs a reminder that you made the right choices.

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