Immortal Longings – Chloe Gong

Title: Immortal Longings Author: Chloe Gong Genre: Fantasy Plot: Calla is a disgraced princess who everyone in San-Er is dead. She killed her parents, the king and queen, of Er in cold blood. Calla fled and was presumed dead. She knows that the crown is corrupt. Crown Prince August knows better. He’s required her helpContinue reading “Immortal Longings – Chloe Gong”

The Lady of Bolton Hill – Elizabeth Camden

Title: The Lady of Bolton Hill Author: Elizabeth Camden Genre: Historical Fiction Plot: Clara and Daniel are the best of friends, despite their drastic differences in social classes in the late 1800’s. Clara’s father sends her to England where she becomes an investigative journalist. She gets in trouble for reporting about children in the coalContinue reading “The Lady of Bolton Hill – Elizabeth Camden”

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